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i know it looks like shit

[full songs]

song1.mp3 (ppoommnnii? yyyeeess jjjaaaxxx?) this is a diffrent mix than the ones on drones and dt1 (ik you dont know what either of those are) this one is shorter and mixed diffrently. i made this version in like an hour.
song2.mp3 (waky drum beat with a washing machine running in the background) tried to mix things up a bit with this one. (emphasis on tried)
song3.mp3 (insert funny parenthesies here) not even sure what to call this one tbh
downer.mp3 (BFMA theme) Oh YeAh PhOnE nUmBeR dIaLiNg SoUnDs
testicle.mp3 (TestieTorsionGaming - Take My Hand REMIX) remix for ttg. original song


TestieTorsionGaming - Take My Hand REMIX (PREVIEW)
not entirely satisfied with this mix but its good enough as it is imo. original song